torstai 27. joulukuuta 2012
About the dynamics of human life.
It is not a great secret that many people in western civilizations, at least in Christian circles, are not entirely content with the ideas that are presented about the purposes and dynamics of human life in general.
The essential questions concern for example the origin and end of conscious human life.
The Christian tradition considers that every personal human being stems from God Himself and returns back to Him after death, but a belief in Jesus and his atonement is a vital precondition for salvation.
Among Eastern religions it is often found the idea of reincarnation, or metempsychosis. They say that sooner or later after death a personal conscience incarnates into a new body and environment. The quality of the change is based on a system of reward: the better present life the better life to come.
Are there evidence enough for this kind of thinking, or could we interpret the idea in a totally different way?
Very few persons have got clear memories from their previous lives, memories that can be at least to some extent verified. If the reincarnation is a law of nature, why are the memories so rare among people?
Some scholars say that a person is an empty table at his birth, but why are people so different in nature, talents and many other abilities right from their beginning?
Is it God that made each one of us special? But why did He in His mercy and love share the qualities so unevenly among His creatures? Or did He cast Himself somewhere into the basic being of the human soul, and not into the personal being with a material body?
Everybody can see how far from perfection a common personal being stands at his present. It is also easy to notice the differences in talents and environmental qualities between people as well as in the lengths of their lives. Even the longest life is quite short for perfection. How could any right and perfect judge divide people on such grounds into two opposite categories: one entitled to heaven, the other to hell?
Maybe this question has appeared so difficult that some clever people have thought that there must be a kind of a special retribution between God and people. An old Jewish tradition gave a solution in the idea of trespass offering. In the first centuries the Christian authorities linked this to the passion of Jesus and developed the peculiar idea of full retribution for all true Christian believers, past, present and coming.
The idea of retribution aroused disputes among Christian believers even in the early centuries as it still does among the individuals who want to understand and interpret religious matters in a reasonable and rational way.
All of us cannot bend our mind to say as Tertullus, one of the fathers of the church, that I believe because it is absurd. Many others will think to themselves that they in fact do not believe at all. They just let these difficult questions be as they are.
The idea of divine mercy – even without any retribution – might satisfy some people, but there would still be many questions to solve concerning huge differences between people.
Would it be possible to explore the issue in a far longer period, and not only focusing at the role of a short lasting personality?
Then we should not understand a human being just as a single person, which is always found, sooner or later, to disappear.
It is often said that behind the personal being there is the soul of a human being, which is too often messed up with the spirit or the common thoughts and feelings of a person, which in fact should be called the mind.
In the bible there are notes of a soul denoting to a factor, which a person might benefit or harm with his actions (both outer and inner).
The soul might be understood as an inborn, individual basis for a personality. Most of the talents and qualities might have their origin in this mysterious inner factor. Origen, one of the fathers of the church, pointed out that a human soul has a pre-existence, a far more permanent nature than a personal human being.
Later on the church declared this statement void, but was it really wrong, or was the ban based just on political decisions of some convents?
In the bible there are a few verses that could be interpreted in the way above. Jesus himself asked: "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" They said, "Some say John the Baptizer, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." (Matt. 16:13-14; Mark. 9:30). In the Psalms there is a saying: “You turn man to destruction, saying, ‘Return, you children of men.’" (Ps. 90:3), which might be interpreted in the way that a personal conscience returns after death into his inner being, the soul – or in this particular case: the individual aggregation in the soul returns to its spiritual home – uniting with the heavenly father.
Are these verses talking about reincarnation? Not necessarily. We might divide a human being – as in the Genesis – into three beings: a person, soul and spirit.
Spirit must be totally permanent and eternal in nature, and inseparable from its origin. The soul, instead, can be seen as a “layer”, which takes influence as well from the personal as from the spiritual level of the whole combination.
The combination of these three levels is an enormous dynamic field of interaction, which has its lowest pole here in time and space and the highest pole in eternity. The soul is a citizen of two worlds, having a divine innermost essence, other layers working as merging, cleaning and storing factors for temporal experience.
After physical death a personality is gradually (step by step) transferred to the subjective state or space entitled to him where he leaves all the features and qualities, gathered during his lifetime, that contain some value of spiritual nature. The personal conscience itself enters at last to some kind of heavenly sphere where he depletes all the issues that he is able to experience as good and blissful.
The harvest of the temporal life is left into the soul, which in turn forms the basis to a new and different personality that is to come to the world to fetch more qualities into the ever growing and deepening individual soul.
All the struggles and efforts of a person may bring some growth into the soul of which he is a vital and dynamic part and factor. These impulses also increase the range of abilities for the coming personalities, for the whole human development in time and space.
The new personality is not a direct continuation of the former one, but a new formation based on the resources of the individual soul in question according to divine laws of spiritual nature. The coming personality may well have some abilities and talents of the former one, but arranged in a different way to assure that the soul will by this combination have a chance to gather new impulses and experience to contribute its purposes.
The coming personality enters into a new body which contains all the genetic combinations of the parents originating from the beginning of human existence. The ultimate combination is by no means a pure chance but a result of divine wisdom with little room for mistakes.
After the birth a new person comes in physical contact with his parents and environment, which will wake up in the child the kind of features that are acceptable, and will try to reduce harmful qualities in that particular culture.
We could say that there is no reincarnation of the soul, either: the soul just gives a certain kind of combination of qualities to the coming new personality, staying as a steady and dynamic field of interaction, which gives no part to death.
If we think this way, there is no transmigration of soul, for the sphere stands rather permanent in relation to the lives of the personalities that use it as a clearing point. This sphere might contain a huge amount more qualities than all the personalities that have given it their harvest or taken in themselves some mixture of qualities from its ripened resources.
The soul might be called the inner human being, maybe even the real human being, but even that should not be defined as the ultimate goal of human life, not to talk about existence.
A human being probably proves to be threefold in nature, but normally neither the personal nor the soul is fully self-conscious on all those levels. The ultimate goal of all human life might be the union of all these three parts.
The soul could be called the son of man, for its content is mainly a result of human experience. The lifting up of the Son of Man in the Gospel of John might well denote to the union of soul and spirit.
There are a few things that might serve as vital means for the union.
It is necessary that there will become some harmony among all these factors. The measure and qualities of ripened impulses and experiences in a soul must probably be adequate and in harmony for greater purposes.
The personal part should at last loosen his ties into the world as a whole, so that he can drop all the temporal contents at no time, and make it possible for the spiritual part to enter the innermost part of the soul.
At the end all is depending on the spiritual spheres of existence. A personal being cannot force any real mystical things or events to happen, but he can well create better chance for it by trying to learn his lessons of life and find out which is important and which has no lasting value.
By looking at the world we can see that it is quite easy to become clever, but becoming wise is a much harder and rare quality among people. Cleverness develops by mental training and learning from outer sources. It does not inquire the active presence of soul, not to talk about the spirit.
It is obvious that the doors of the soul are closed if the qualities of a personal conscience were far too coarse.
In Christian circle some priests say that after death a good person gets a body which is made according to the model of Jesus’ resurrection body. This is of course a matter of belief, but for many of us it sounds unfair and unnatural.
A final resurrection would require a total divine self-conscience and means to act at all levels of nature, whether concrete or abstract. Very few representatives of mankind have so far gained access to that kind of ultimate states of consciousness.
Resurrection, in its real meaning, is far beyond enlightenment, which denotes only to a change in consciousness, not yet in the whole sphere and means of interaction. To become enlightened is, of course, an essential step on the way to become a master or an adept.
In many religious circles there are talks about awakening and conversion that might well have something to do with enlightenment. Unfortunately such events do not often have long-term and thorough effects on people’s consciousness, so that they could afterwards be called really wise and spiritual.
Some people get the strength to stop their drinking or other bad habits, but the kind of changes are psychological, not divine.
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